Flash Flash Revolution Wiki
You Time
Song information
Album Triptunes
Musician Blitz Lunar
Released June 6th, 2013[1][2]
Genre Chiptune
You Time
File information
Level number 2259
Step artist hi19hi19
Release date November 5th, 2014
Song length 1:58
Difficulty 89
Notecount 1337
NPS 1 to 23
Category Arcade

You Time is a Chiptune style song by Blitz Lunar released on the album Triptunes. Located in the funk Genre for the duration of the 10th Official FFR Tournament, it is a 90 in difficulty on the 1-99 scale and a 19 (Ridiculous) in difficulty on the 1-20 scale.

The song and chart was submitted to FFR by hi19hi19 and was released to the public on November 5th, 2014 as a Division 6 tiebreaker song for the 5th round in TC_Halogen's 10th Official FFR Tournament.

Tips & Tricks to Tackling[]

You Time's difficulty comes from the 32nd bursts in the file. You Time is 180 BPM, so the bursts are 360 BPM. Most of the bursts are not cheatable through jumptrilling, so you have to hit most of the bursts as is. However, the burst 260-270 notes in is jumptrillable and allows the player to transition into the 24th stream far easier than hitting the 32nd burst as is. The first few bursts after the 24th stream are also jumptrillable.

The multi-coloured trill ends up with a [23] jump, but it could be hit as a trill that ends with a [123] hand.

Song Screenshots[]

